”"A peace is in the nature of a conquest; for then both parties nobly are subdued, and neither party the loser."
William Shakespeare
Not simply for the practitioners, but for all those who have been injured or traumatized by the ancient system that was created when English common law insinuated itself into the family. Over twenty years ago, Ron found his answer in the concept of Collaborative Divorce and began work in that movement, and in all forms of Consensual Dispute Resolution.
The transformation has not stopped there. Ron had also hoped to introduce to the community a multi-door, interdisciplinary practice, principally focused on dispute resolution. That idea came into sharp focus five years ago when he met attorney David Hoffman and was given a brief tour of his firm, the Boston Law Collaborative. David was living Ron’s fantasy. When Ron expressed this, David graciously invited him to return to Boston to learn how the office came together as a collaborative, hetrarchal law firm. It became clear that such an undertaking required a commitment of a special kind.
With the assistance of his son Ty, who joined the firm in 2005, Ron has created a full service Los Angeles law firm emphasizing extra-judicial dispute resolution. The goal is to help clients achieve best-interest results, while staying out of court, and to offer the finest litigation support system available in instances where litigation cannot be avoided. The emphasis is on arbitration, mediation, case management, and neutral case evaluation. The Law Collaborative works with retired judicial officers, mediators, and those committed to the practice of consensual dispute resolution.
At the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals conclave, the president of the Irish Republic, Mary McAleese, announced that collaborative law is the preferred method of dispute resolution in Ireland. We at The Law Collaborative believe she was speaking prophetically for the Western World. A transformation must occur because our courts are too hostile and too costly to adequately serve the public. Now is the time, and The Law Collaborative is a powerful tool with which to assist that transformation. We look forward to being a change in this landscape called law, and providing excellence and service to clients, friends, and families.
Transforming your future
Family Law Attorney Ty Supancic is a pioneer in collaborative law, and our highly qualified team of attorneys comprises one of the most experienced legal teams in the State of California. We are a multi-disciplinary family law firm with offices in Woodland Hills, California. We specialize in collaborative divorce, mediation, contested and uncontested divorce, and child custody disputes. We also practice estate planning, writing wills, revocable living trusts, asset protection trusts, firearm trusts, and medical directives.

Ty Supancic, Esq.
Attorney at Law
Attorney Ty Supancic practices extensively in the area of Consensual Dispute Resolution including mediated divorce, collaborative divorce, estate planning (wills & trusts), and asset protection
While Ty and his ex were able to have a quiet, dignified, and private divorce, the ultimate beneficiary was their daughter who got to grow up with cooperative co-parents and was spared the horrible toll that divorce courts