In addition to having taught Family Law at the University of Southern California School of Law, Ron was a frequent presenter at the California Bar Convention and various other professional associations.
Ron gave number of workshops on Mediation, Collaborative Law, and Unbundled Legal Services to the California State Bar. He presented numerous workshops for the Southern California Mediation Association, the Orange County Mediation Association, and The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. He presented two workshops at the Mediator’s Beyond Borders conference in Italy. He was a frequent presenter for the Employee Assistance Professionals and was the author of the Employee Assistance Professionals Divorce Tool Kit. He filmed four webinars for The Holman Group about divorce, child custody, and important family law issues concerning process.
Ron qualified as an Expert on Standards of Practice in Family Law in the Los Angeles County Superior Court based on his years of experience as a Certified Family Law Specialist. He was uniquely qualified to offer a second opinion on any family law case.
Ron served as a Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Navy’s Judge Advocate General’s Corp. He received his Bachelor’s Degree from UCLA, and his law degree from the University of Southern California. Ron was a Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. He was an arbitrator for the American Arbitration Association and the Los Angeles County Superior Court. His extensive mediation practice includes volunteer court-appointed mediation. As an Associate Professor of Law and an adjunct professor of Law and Ethics, Ron taught at colleges and universities statewide and abroad.
Ron Supancic was a frequent guest on radio and television as an advocate for Collaborative Divorce and Mediation, as well as other innovative approaches to resolve family conflict. Author of three books, When All Else Fails: The Real Cost of Ending a Marriage, Win-Win Custody Solutions, and California Family Law: A Layman’s Guide, Ron Supancic offered his clients the newest choices in family law. His commitment was to advocate for his client’s rights in a climate of integrity, dignity, and respect.