- Take your file with you whenever you are working on your case.
- Journal or write in a diary: Enter every significant event, conversation, discussion, and action with or of your spouse at the time it occurs. Be sure to record the date, time, and place.
- Keep a Ledger: Enter every financial aspect of your case to ensure a complete, accurate, and legible record of all the financial aspects of your case.
- Memorialize every agreement with every person who has an interest in or is involved in your case. Keep copies in a safe place and give copies to your attorney.
- Meet and confirm strategies with your attorney in person.
- Explore Consensual Dispute Resolution.
- Confirm everything in writing.
- Know your strategy. Do not deviate without the advice of counsel.
- Participate in the preparation of your case. Draft documents, investigate, gather information, and pre-interview witnesses.
- Give your attorney honest feedback. Schedule regular face-to-face meetings to discuss the status of your case. Let your attorney know when he/she is on track or off track. Don’t let resentments build up.
- Keep your account current. If you can’t pay your bill, offer security for the unpaid balance.