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  • Family Law
    • david-clode-13PjNBaDMcg-unsplashDivorce Options
      Our firm focuses on nondestructive methods of dispute resolution. Years of experience have taught us that problem-solving and effective negotiation produce better results than a trial in most divorce cases.
    • toa-heftiba-a7XUtljVEMc-unsplashRelationship Planning
      Whether you’re living together or planning to get married, we can help create better legal foundations for successful relationships with prenuptial and living together agreements.
    • drew-hays-7tGqLzHcjZ8-unsplashCustody & Support
      If you are a parent going through a divorce, some of the most important issues to determine are the terms of your child custody arrangement. We will educate you about your options and create a successful plan for child custody and support.
  • Estate Planning
    • melinda-gimpel-wkfZyteTMOA-unsplashWills & Trusts
      We offer a variety of solutions for wills and trusts, including Revocable Living Trusts, Gun Trusts, and more.
    • tierra-mallorca-4Teb7rszytY-unsplashAsset Protection
      There are plenty of legitimate and legal reasons to protect your assets. Our Professionals can guide you through the available options and design the best plan for you.
    • hush-naidoo-yo01Z-9HQAw-unsplashHealth Care Planning
      The Health Care Industry is constantly evolving, but we can help you plan ahead, not just for you, but for your family.
  • Education & Events
    • annie-spratt-gq5PECP8pHE-unsplashOur Blog
      Read our extensive library of blog posts and articles, written by our family law professionals to help guide you through the complicated terrain of California Family Law.
    • clem-onojeghuo-KAaAotRE6YY-unsplashEvent Calendar
      Get the support you need. Our staff hosts free seminars and divorce workshops with 100% anonymity. We also put on classes for other attorneys in the area for CE credits, teaching healthy dispute resolution techniques.
    • bram-naus-n8Qb1ZAkK88-unsplashForms & Resources
      Find Family Law Resources, Divorce Tools, and more.
  • About
    • thelawcollaborativeFirm History
      We've handled thousands of contested divorce cases, child custody and child support matters, modifications of existing orders, prenups, paternity matters, and more. Remembering Ron's Legacy
    • ty-profileTy Supancic, Esq
      Attorney Ty Supancic practices extensively in the area of Consensual Dispute Resolution including mediated divorce, collaborative divorce, estate planning (wills & trusts), and asset protection.
    • Ron-SupancicAbout Our Founder
      Ronald M. Supancic, a pioneer in Collaborative Family Law, founded The Law Collaborative, APC, emphasizing compassionate conflict resolution. His legacy inspires a commitment to healing families through collaborative approaches.
  • Contact Us

“Going to court is the only way to ensure you’ll get a fair share.”

This is a popular myth in our culture. In fact, the opposite is true. When you go to court, you get the product of distributive bargaining, which means that the court is limited to only those remedies that have been established in the jurisdiction in which that judge is a bench officer. The rules of law and the court cases interpreting the law change regularly. Most states have enacted statutes that would fill a book outlining all of the various circumstances and events that alter the rights to property and children. And those are changing constantly.

People who choose to resolve their family disputes outside of court can use much greater creativity, imagination, and flexibility to design workable plans for their children, their property, and their money. The legal professionals who engage in Alternative Dispute Resolution have long known this. Arbitration was designed to take litigation outside of the court. Mediation came about to eliminate the restrictions imposed by judges who sit in courtrooms. Collaborative law has evolved to give parties the best of both worlds. You’re free to be creative, and you have an attorney. It’s your money. It’s your family. It’s your life. It should be your choice.

Many lawyers today are exploring collaborative law as a new option. Collaborative Divorce involves professionals — such as lawyers, accountants, and financial planners who share a belief that a family is forever, and that family disputes are best resolved using collaborative strategies rather than adversarial approaches such as litigation.

Lawyers who practice collaborative divorce believe in and have been trained in the non-adversarial dispute-resolution process. Through this new process, they model for their clients a commitment to honesty, dignified behavior, and mutual respect. Imagine a divorce in which collaboration replaces competition, financial disclosure is mandatory, and mediation becomes the rule rather than the exception.

The advantages of collaborative divorce are many. Sessions are held in private, which keeps many details out of the public record. With their lawyers assisting, the clients are in charge and make their own agreements, rather than giving power and control to courts. Without the need to wait for a long time for hearing or trial dates, the divorce can proceed in a timely fashion, saving money on attorneys fees and court costs. Through good planning and the collaborative allocation of resources, accountants and financial planners may successfully assist the family to conserve its assets to the advantage of both the parties and their children.

Just as after the death of one partner, the family will naturally restructure itself after divorce. Yet for this restructuring process to be optimally healthy, the parties will likely need professional help, which the collaborative-divorce model provides. Lawyers, however well intentioned, have not been trained to solve the client’s emotional and financial issues without assistance.

Divorcing couples can also benefit from seeing a “divorce coach.” Usually a psychotherapist, this coach teaches communication skills, educates and assists the couple with consistent co-parenting skills, and normalizes the difficult closure issues. The divorce coach can achieve great strides in these areas and help the family unit, through change, emerge strengthened as a whole.

One might question the expense of involving so many experts in an individual case. Yet we have seen in case after case that a collaborative divorce saves the parties not only money but also the great emotional cost of litigated divorce by taking less time, inflicting less trauma, and causing less damage to children.

Ronald M. Supancic is Certified as a Specialist in Family Law by the State of California Bar Association . In 1999, he was trained in collaborative law. He has been a mediator for the Los Angeles County Superior Court since 1980. Since that time, he has also served as a Judge Pro Tem in the Family Law Department of the Los Angeles County Superior Court.    

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(818) 348-6700

5955 De Soto Avenue, Suite 125 Woodland Hills, California, 91367